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Ten reasons I don't like Bush. 1.) His environmental polices are the worse this country has ever seen. 2.) He doesn't know WHAT THE HELL'S HE'S DOING!!! 3.) His tax cuts are hurting the poor or middle class Americans and benefitting the richer top of society. 4.) He keeps exporting jobs to China and promotes companies doing so. 5.) He's sucking OUR social security dry. 6.) He COULD have prevented Osama from attacking America, BUT DIDN'T. 7.) Clinton had America making a profit, but Bush sucked at it and now we have the deficit. 8.) He complained about Clinton's military, but that's what he's using in Afganistan and Iraq. 9.) He aslo complained that Clinton didn't focus enough on the military, but Clinton's budget ordered 20% more shipes than bush has but Bush ordered 10% more tactical aircraft. Finally 10.) with the conservative bias in the media, evrything Bush says is glorified, unlike Clinton. What the hell, lets add 10.5) Like Clinton, some of our best presidents had mistresses.

The worlds best motto

"To often, we forget lifes simple pleasures. Remember, when someone annoys you, it takes 42 muscles in your face to frown at them, but it only takes 4 to extend your arm and bitchslap that mother fu(ker upside the head. Pass It On.

  Things I Hate

I hate 5 things. Here is the worse to worst. 5.) People who talk when they're talking about something you don't give a damn about. 4.) Gay People 3.) Alarm clock alarms 2.) When people tell you there probs., you give them advice, and they don't take it. And NUMBER 1 THING I HATE THE MOST 1.) George Bush (Dubya)

I endorse Democrats

I am a democrat. I'm proud of that fact too. The mainstream media wants you to believe that all Democrats and power-hungry, moneygrabbers. If you believe that, you mprobably watch WAY to much FOX. FOX broadcasting has a strong conservitive bias. One of my misssions is to let you know that!! They blame Democrats for making a liberal bias in the media. That is the BIGGEST LIE I HAVE HEARD. The conservatives (republican) have the bias in the media. NBC, CNN, C-SPAN, FOX, all have the conservative bias.

Some funny junk

One good thing Bush has Done

I know you think it's a miracle that I'm actually praising Bush for something. I personally like his moonbase idea to reach Mars. I doubt we will ever reach it due to him sucking the economy dry. Maybe, if we are lucky, we can replenish our lost cash and finally vist the red planet by man. What next, a Star Trek like Enterprise.

For more about space

Another motto

When life gets hard, whine, and usually you get your way

A Final Quote

"Life is a bitch, not matter what"